What is the Curling Club Crawl?
The Crawl was born from the idea that all curlers should get out of their clubs and try something new. As a one day, four club extravaganza of curling, The Curling Club Crawl is a perfect introduction to the larger curling community for new curlers, and a great way for experienced curlers to meet new friends and experience curling in a completely new atmosphere. You can sign up as a full team or as individuals and I’ll group you together on the crawl.
Round 3 is Sold Out
Click the link below to add your information to the mailing list for the next crawl.

The Curling Club Crawl - Round 4 - TBD

Crawlers Say
“The Crawl is the greatest curling day of the year!”
“Usually Mark keeps it pretty composed, but on the Crawl he really gets to relax and let loose”
“The Crawl is one of the greatest curling experiences I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to do it again.”
The Crawl started in 2018 with an incredible group of curlers who were up for a wild adventure that had never been tried before. Since then we’ve had curlers join us from over 1,000 miles away to experience the sport of curling in a way only possible on the crawl.
We’ve got a block of rooms with a group rate secured at the Holiday Inn of Lakeville. The charter bus will also make it’s final stop there Saturday evening to drop off any curlers staying there.
About Me
Like many curlers, I picked the sport up as an adult and fell in love with it. The mix of athletic challenge and social comradery helped turn this hobby into a passion. As an arena curler, I relish every chance I get on dedicated ice and believe arena clubs are strongest when their curlers get a chance to play the sport without the ice acting as a mutual opponent. I hope to meet you and your friends on the ice and in the clubhouse soon.
Good Curling,